The Prontus Blog

The Prontus Team The Prontus Team

Why Outsource Payroll?

Paying your team IS a big deal. Get it wrong, and as well as complaints and dissatisfaction, you have a financial headache to sort out. Outsourcing payroll to a payroll bureau avoids all this drama and unhappiness.

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The Prontus Team The Prontus Team

Spring Clean Your Workload

Bogged down in the same-old/same-old routine and fed up with feeling like you never really achieve anything? With the coming of spring, take the time to spring clean your to-do list with these practical tips (includes downloadable template!).

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The Prontus Team The Prontus Team

How Important is Excellent Customer Service?

Offering virtual customer services to our clients, you would expect the Prontus Team to tell you how important excellent customer service is! But it’s more than just us saying so. For businesses in all industries and sectors, on the high street and virtually, customer service has never been more important. And in these difficult economic times, it could be the springboard your business needs.

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